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3 1/2" Davis Standard Therm II Extruder, 15:1, 1 1/4" 24:1 CoExtruder, (2) 36" Payoffs, 36" Dual Take-up, 24" Belt Capstan, (2) 16 ft. Vert.Accum.

Product Code:EXRL32

Manufacturer:Davis Standard

Location: Attleboro, Massachusetts

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3 1/2" Davis Standard CV Line, 15:1 L/D
Thermatic II

(2) 36" Davis Standard Shaftless Pay offs, with air lift.
Reel size: Min: 12" F x 12" W - Max: 36" flange, 20" W.
1000 lbs max

16 Ft Viteck Vertical Accumulator
Model HDV-720-4X4
12" sheave, U shaped 3/4" wide groove, 27 passes

Micro Products Welder, Model GP1, Serial number 35995

3 1/2" Davis Standard Rubber Extruder, 15:1 L/D Thermatic II
Roller feed
Water cooled barrel
Gema F.C. Crosshead

Conair Hopper Loader
Model DB-12
With ColorTronic Colormeter

Temperature/Drive panel with Eurotherm temperature controls, DC drive.

1 1/4" Davis Standard Vertical CoExtruder, 24:1 L/D
Serial Number: V4406, Shop Order 60196
3 Zones Air Cooled
50 lb hopper
Exair Vacuum hopper loader
no crosshead.

T.S. water level control Allen Bradley PanelView Plus 1000

Davis Standard Splice Box Motorized

Davis Standard Steam Tube
3 1/2" Water Seal

Gem Contact Printer
Model AM

53" Wireline height

24" Davis Standard Belt Wrap Capstan
5 HP AC Vector drive, 1750 RPM.

Clinton Spark Tester, Model HF-20, 18kv

Footage counter/Encoder

16 ft +/- Viteck Vertical Accumulator
Model HDV-500-4.12
Supported on both sides, 20 passes, 12" cast aluminum sheaves, U groove 3/4" wide

36" Davis Standard Dual Take up
Model DR-36 5 HP DC drive, 1750 RPM
Min Reel size: 12" F x 12" W.
Reel size: 36" Fx20"W, 1000 lbs
Right to Left Direction
Wire & Plastic Machinery offers equipment: as is, test run and fully inspected, many machines can be reconditioned. Items listed on the website are for infomational purposes only. Please base your purchasing decision on specific information you receive from your sales representative.

Our complete inventory list is not available on the website. if you don't see the machine you are looking for, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

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